Make Your PC Faster

Man With Slow Laptop Computer

Most users have no idea of the speed potential of their hardware.

When you purchase a CPU or graphics card, it comes rated for a certain processing speed. However, you can alter these numbers by judiciously manipulating settings in your computer’s BIOS, also known as overclocking. Making the right changes to your system can supercharge your processor, GPU, and memory, increasing speeds across the board.

Today’s PC hardware is more hobbyist-friendly than ever, allowing you to boost performance well above factory specifications.

CPU Overclocking

When I decide to make my PC faster, the first thing I look at is my central processing unit. Each CPU comes from the factory preset to run at a set speed, usually one that doesn’t tax the hardware extensively or produce too much heat. By increasing the clock multiplier, I can boost the CPU’s speed, affecting almost every aspect of my computer’s performance.

If I’m not sure of my CPU’s speed capabilities, I usually work slowly, increasing the clock multiplier in small steps and ensuring that each new speed plateau remains stable. If you encounter sudden crashes and bluescreens while overclocking your PC, you’ve probably reached your CPU’s speed limit and should reduce your settings to restore stability.

GPU Overclocking

Another way to make my PC faster, at least in gaming terms, is Continue reading Make Your PC Faster